Ozarks Sports and Outdoor Expo is coming to Salem on March 24th

Ozarks Sports and Outdoor Expo is coming to Salem on March 24th. The Ozarks Sports & Outdoor Expo is coming to Salem, Arkansas on March 24, 2018. The central location for the event will be the Fulton County Fairgrounds but events will also be at the Salem City Park and the Fulton County Trap Range. Both properties are adjacent to the fairgrounds. There will be competitions for all ages—3D Archery, Fishing Derby,  3-D Trap Shoot , NWTF Sanctioned Turkey Calling Contest,  seminars and lots of vendors.

Our Own OGTC Executive Director Cathy Baker Drew named a new Member of the 2018 Arkansas Tourism Hall of Fame

Our Own OGTC Executive Director Cathy Baker Drew named a new Member of the 2018 Arkansas Tourism Hall of Fame!! Cathy Drew, executive director of the Ozark Gateway Tourist Council, and Mike Mills, owner of Buffalo Outdoor Center, will be inducted into the Arkansas Tourism Hall of Fame during a luncheon Monday, March 12, 2018, at noon during the 44th Annual Governor’s Conference on Tourism. The conference will be held in West Memphis at Southland Park Gaming & Racing March 11-13, 2018.

Lane Berg to teach “Mixed Media Transfer Techniques” Jan. 6-7 at Arkansas Craft School

Lane Berg to teach “Mixed Media Transfer Techniques” Jan. 6-7 at Arkansas Craft School. Learn to transfer printed images and incorporate them into other artworks.  This class will include using wintergreen, polymer mediums, and citrasolv to transfer printed images to other media. Lane will also teach ways to incorporate transferred imagery into mixed media paintings.