The 103rd Fulton County Fair will be held July 20 – 23 at the Fulton County Fairgrounds in Salem.

Fulton County Fair officials remind exhibitors that entries, including pageant and talent should be pre-registered by July 1st. Pageants will be held before the fair opens on July 16 and 18.

Fulton County Fair Deadlines July 1st: Fulton County Fair officials remind exhibitors that entries, including pageant and talent should be pre-registered by July 1st.  Pageants will be held before the fair opens on July 16 and 18.  Entry forms are available online on...
July is the month the nation celebrates its freedom and independence, and it will also be the month that the residents at John 3:16 Ministries will celebrate their freedom from drug and alcohol addiction.

July is the month the nation celebrates its freedom and independence, and it will also be the month that the residents at John 3:16 Ministries will celebrate their freedom from drug and alcohol addiction.

CHARLOTTE –July is the month the nation celebrates its freedom and independence, and it will also be the month that the residents at John 3:16 Ministries will celebrate their freedom from drug and alcohol addiction. John 3:16 will host a fundraiser dinner and concert...