Calico Rock featured this week on nationally-syndicated radio program The American Countryside.

Calico Rock featured this week on nationally-syndicated radio program, The American Countryside. Calico Rock is being prominently featured this week on the nationally-syndicated radio program, The American Countryside.  The program is featured twice daily on KTLO radio locally.  This week, three programs were devoted to Calico Rock and the progress that is being made locally to revitalize our community and local businesses.

2018 Cave City Watermelon Festival Entertainment LeFevre Gospel Quartet, Mo Pitney, Little Texas and Local Talents July 26-28th

2018 Cave City Watermelon Festival Entertainment LeFevre Gospel Quartet, Mo Pitney, Little Texas and Local Talents July 26-28th. The Cave City Watermelon Festival has announced its 2018 entertainment headliners. This year’s lineup includes three internationally touring, headlining artists, with one performing each night of the festivities.

Artisans Market on the Square at Bean Fest in Mountain View Oct. 27-28th!

Artisans Market on the Square at Bean Fest in Mountain View Oct. 27-28th! 31 booths, a wonderful selection of Ozark handmade arts and crafts, from pottery and quilting, knives to cigar box guitars and woodworking, nature photography, soaps and lotions, bead jewelry, hats, and home decor, including log furniture, by returning members of the Arkansas Craft Guild and their juried guests.