Tom Dunn teaching “Intro to Woodturning” February 23-25 at the Arkansas Craft School

Tom Dunn
Register by February 16th
Learn the basics of woodturning in this three day class. It will cover the equipment “the lathe and the tools” their selection and sharpening, and wood choices. It will also focus on safety and proper tool techniques. Students will get to try their hands at both spindle turning and bowl turning.
Tom Dunn is a returning instructor to the Arkansas Craft School, well known for his segmented woodturning.
Tom Dunn has been turning wood for over 20 years, perfecting his skill in making segmented bowls for 10 years. Always pushing himself to take his craft skills higher Tom is a lifelong learner. Every year he tries something new and more challenging. Tom is a member of the Arkansas Craft Guild and shows his work throughout the state.
Arkansas Craft School | P.O. Box 2694, 110 E Main Street, Mountain View, AR 72560
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