Lyon College and Melba Theater bring Scottish Heritage to the Big Screen Beginning Sept. 26th (Posted by Ginger Smith)

Scottish history is intriguing, both for its specificity and its frustratingly wonderful grey areas. It becomes readily apparent even to the casual student that Scots are committed to the preservation of the past, even at the expense of historical accuracy. Scottish patriotic resolve has resulted, over time, in the elevation of thieves, cattle raiders, and arguably incompetent leaders to mythical status. Curiously, these heroes and heroines are often the most tragic of figures who sometimes meet with violent ends, suffering persecution and death for the sake of Scotland. Thus, past mistakes, crimes, and errors in judgment are conveniently overlooked—or perhaps praised—with an eye towards reinventing historical figures as martyrs and patriots. That is not to say that historians willfully mislead or lie, but the grey areas often allow for a certain amount of interpretive latitude.

The Tragic Scots Film Series presents four films focusing on the lives of four very well-known Scots: MacBeth, Mary Queen of Scots, Rob Roy, and William Wallace, or “Braveheart.” Each film explores the Scottishness of its title character, and what it means to be a Scot within a particular historical epoch. Though not always classified as tragedies, the films do view the figures—with varying results—through a tragic lens that at times provokes feelings of sympathy for characters who at times reveal themselves to be selfish and egotistical. Each film will be introduced by Dr. Mark Wallace, who will outline the historical context of the film, and why the figures are so important to understanding Scottish history.

MacBeth (R) – Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Mary Queen of Scots (PG-13) – Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Rob Roy (R) – Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Braveheart (R) – Friday, April 13, 2018

All shows will be open and free to the public. The first film, MacBeth (R), will start at 6:30 p.m. on September 26. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.

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