Good Earth Association Flood and Wind Damage Recovery Open House Saturday, Sept. 23rd (Posted by Ginger Smith)


The Good Earth Association is a non-profit umbrella organization consisting of several small farm
related projects. The largest is the Living Farm Museum of the Ozarks which presents a spring and
fan show each year. The museum displays an extensive collection of antique farm equipment and
implements as well as items that could be found in farm homes in years past. The Ozark Gardens of
Yester-year provides community Garden each year and a seed exchange. Rock Crescent Ridge Farm
is a food and sustainable agriculture research project for smaIl farms and gardens,
The founder of the oraanization is Donald Waterworth. a retired U.S. Air force veteran. He would
like to interest other retired people in volunteerina as advisors, instructors, workers, recruiters,
fund raisers. etc. Anyone interested in learning more about the good Earth association or receiving
the Good Earth Association/Living Farm Museum of the Ozarks Newsletter should write the Good
Earth Association, Inc. at 6io N. Marr Street, Pocahontas, AR 72455~28qq