Good evening all,
Up-to-date schedule for the streetscape:
Melba block: Curbing will be completed this week; next week the lateral irrigation lines to the green areas will be installed. The conduit for the electrical has already been placed. Later next week or the following week this will be the first block to receive “greenery” (after Johnny A. and his crew hook up the irrigation system). Danny, Suzanne and others will do their thing and convert the drab block into one of beauty. Will take 5-10 days to complete since this block has the most “green areas” because of all of the alleys and side street entrances that caused us to put in more of them to control traffic. This will be mostly plants with shrubs, roses and trees coming later in the process.
Barnett block: The water dept will complete installing new service lines, irrigation lines and the conduit for the electrical by next Tuesday (14th). They then will shift to the Melba block as indicated above. Some of their crew may also begin to finish the water dept. work on the library block or the St. Paul block. That will take 4-5 days each.
Asphalt on all five blocks: This will be done all at the same time. Estimate a date from mid to late April. To be followed closely by striping; some green-area work may continue while all of this is going on since there is a lot to be done to get all of the green areas filled.
Bonus: Danny reports that the large major sidewalk (Maxfield Park) will be completed tomorrow (9th) since the large stone carved by McBride has already been moved into place (Strahl-family stone – go see it). After the sidewalk, the “Maxfield tanning stone” now residing in Danny’s backyard will be put into place followed closely by sod being laid and the old Mickey Mouse lights installed and placed in operation. Lots going on now so take a look sometime. He also has a ton of day lilies to be planted and could use some help with that.
And the beat goes on — we should be in great shape for the grand dedication on June 24 where both the Maxfield Park and the streetscape will be officially placed into use.
Suzanne — the ladies that manage the Alpha Center (corner of Main and State) have volunteered to take care of the three green areas outside of their building. Your contact is Melaine Haunert (CC’d on this message)
Take care,