Don’t Miss the Alicia Williams Concert August 18th at Melba Theater
Don’t Miss the Alicia Williams Concert August 18th at Melba Theater
Don’t forget the Alicia William’s ConcertDate: Thursday August 18
Where: Melba theater (where else?)
Time: 7 pm
Type music: 90s to now — alternative and pop with some soul as well.
A really great group with Big Daddy in the mix.Cost: $20/person — all students pay only $10
Where tickets: Citizens Bank, First Community Bank, Merchants and Planters Bank,and Southern Bank and all branches as well as WRD.
Any questions call Joel at 698-1555
See you there,
This OGTC Volunteer has attended an Alicia Williams concert, and she will rock your shoes off! She is smooth and sassy, and can sing the phone book and make you enjoy it. Come on out and help support our community and have a good time! See you there, Ginger