Let’s save endangered butterflies! It’s very easy and doesn’t require a lot of money to do it. Come learn how this Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. at the Calico Rock Museum’s Nook on Main Street. The program is free and open to the public.

The program will feature talks about how to grow native plants to encourage Diana Fritillary and Monarch butterflies, both of which suffer habitat loss.

The first 30 participants will receive native seeds and a milk jug greenhouse.

There is ample parking in Peppersauce Alley behind the Calico Rock Museum with easy access to The Nook. Turn off of Main Street onto Walnut Street between the historic buildings on lower Main Street and Knowles True Value, then turn right onto Peppersauce Alley.

For more information or to pre-register, contact Jill Easton by calling 870-321-0351 or emailing jilljeaston@gmail.com.