Powhatan Historic State Park Dutch Oven Workshop Oct. 7 and Powhatan Ghost Walks Oct. 21
Powhatan Historic State Park Dutch Oven Workshop Oct. 7 and Powhatan Ghost Walks Oct. 21
Cheerleading program at Old Independence Regional Museum – January 28th
Cheerleading program at Old Independence Regional Museum – January 28th. The cheerleaders spurred crowds to rise and shout out their support through energetic winning chants. Cheerleaders from Batesville and Southside High will be represented, as will Lyon, Hendrix, ASU and the University of Arkansas. Leader uniforms and formations have changed during the decades, but the heart to win is still there.
Baesville Parks and Recreation Depart. registration deadline Oct. 3rd for Scuba Diving Certification Class at the Batesville Aquatics Park
Baesville Parks and Recreation Depart. registration deadline Oct. 3rd for Scuba Diving Certification Class at the Batesville Aquatics Park . The Batesville Parks and Recreation Department is closing registration for a Scuba Diving Certification Class at the Batesville Community & Aquatics Park tomorrow, Oct. 3rd. Oct. 6-8th class days.
15th Annual Spring Fairgrounds Flea Market April 14th in Salem now accepting vendors Plus Community-Wide Yard Sale
15th Annual Spring Fairgrounds Flea Market April 14th in Salem now accepting vendors Plus Community-Wide Yard Sale.
Dora Gonzalez and Crystal Excursion Oct. 11 at the Ron Coleman Mine in Jessieville, AR (ACS)
Dora Gonzalez and Crystal Excursion Oct. 11 at the Ron Coleman Mine in Jessieville, AR (ACS) .
K-Kountry Cares for Kids St. Jude Radio-Thon Feb. 14 on AM 1290-FM 103.7
We are thrilled to announce the 29th Annual Andrew Eckman Shelter Insurance Hirsch Feed and Farm Supply K-Kountry Cares for kids St. Jude Radio thon, Wednesday February 14, 2018 on AM 1290-FM 103.7 The Gift, Anywhere, Anytime KKountry 95 and 100.9 The Train beginning at 6am.
Old Independence Regional Museum – David Parker & More About Sports October 8th program
Old Independence Regional Museum – David Parker & More About Sports October 8th program. The folks in Old Independence Regional Museum hope that readers will mark the date Sunday, October 8, 2 p.m. on their calendars. At that time David Parker will be its guest to share his involvement with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which formed back in the 1950s and continues now as the largest Christian sports organization in the world.
BACC Announces Annual Meeting & Gala Friday Jan. 26th’ Attendance Will Outshine Last Year’s Record
BACC Announces Annual Meeting & Gala Friday Jan. 26th’ Attendance Will Outshine Last Year’s Record. The Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) first announced its plans for its 2018 Annual Meeting in late November. The response has been “overwhelming,” says BACC Chief Operating Officer Jamie Rayford. The Annual Meeting & Gala, presented by First Community Bank, will be held Friday night at the Batesville Community Center.
City of Horseshoe Bend hosts Halloween Trunk or Treat on Oct. 31st!
City of Horseshoe Bend hosts Halloween Trunk or Treat on Oct. 31st!