Batesville CommunityTheatre presents “The Savannah Sipping Society!” March 16-18th!
Batesville CommunityTheatre presents “The Savannah Sipping Society!” March 16-18th!
Keelboat Aux Arc to travel the White River in March from Batesville to Jacksonville State Park
Keelboat Aux Arc to travel the White River in March from Batesville to Jacksonville State Park. For the first time in over a century a replica of a boat that brought goods to what was Poke Bayou, and now Batesville, will travel the White River from Batesville to Jacksonport State Park.
Powhatan Historic State Park holds St. Patrick’s Day Dutch Oven Workshop March 17th!
Powhatan Historic State Park holds St. Patrick’s Day Dutch Oven Workshop March 17th!
Black History Celebration held recently at the historic Melba Theater in Downtown Batesville.
Black History Celebration held recently at the historic Melba Theater in Downtown Batesville. The Lyon College Black Student Association & UACCB Multicultural Student Association recently hosted “Black History Celebration” at the historic Melba Theater in downtown Batesville. The event was held in conjunction with Black History Month.
Ozarks Sports & Outdoor Expo Turkey Calling Contest March 24th!
Ozarks Sports & Outdoor Expo Turkey Calling Contest March 24th!
3 Sessions of Bead Making with Sage and Tom Holland At Arkansas Craft School March-April-May
3 Sessions of Bead Making with Sage and Tom Holland At Arkansas Craft School March-April-May. Learn the basics of Glass Bead Making in the first single day class. This will cover the basic techniques, skills, and safety practices needed to create glass beads.In the second, two day class, students who have taken the beginning class or have previous experience in bead making are welcomed to expand their skills.
March 5th – Batesville Community Center, Batesville Parks and Recreation Walk-In Registration Day for Youth Baseball, Youth Softball, Coach Pitch, and T-ball
March 5th – Batesville Community Center, Batesville Parks and Recreation Walk-In Registration Day for Youth Baseball, Youth Softball, Coach Pitch, and T-ball . Join us March 5th at the Batesville Community Center, Batesville Parks and Recreation staff will be holding a walk-in registration for youth baseball, softball, coach pitch, and t-ball from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. We will have staff there to assist with registration, answer questions, and hear your feedback for what looks to be an exciting year of Terry Sims Diamond Sports Programs.
Main Street Batesville Announces New Downtown Business: The Food Lot
Main Street Batesville Announces New Downtown Business: The Food Lot. The future park, called The Food Lot, will transform two vacant lots at the corner of Central and College, according to owners Steve and Wendy Lewis, Shailendra Singh, and Jyoti Chaudhary.
Davidsonville Historic State Park Upcoming March Events
Davidsonville Historic State Park Upcoming March Events. Calling all Scouters! Interested in earning the Archaeology Merit Badge? This full day Merit Badge Class will cover the vast majority of the badge requirements, including the hands on components