Baesville Parks and Recreation Depart. registration deadline Oct. 3rd for Scuba Diving Certification Class at the Batesville Aquatics Park (Posted by Ginger Smith)

The Batesville Parks and Recreation Department is closing registration for a Scuba Diving Certification Class at the Batesville Community & Aquatics Park tomorrow, Oct. 3rd. Oct. 6-8th class days.
Class starts on this Friday night from 7-10 pm. Saturday and Sunday all day from 9am – 5pm. Only 1 weekend of classroom and pool work and you’re ready to go to the lake! Now it’s time for the open water training. This consist of 4 open water dives at Norfork or another great destination, open water training is done over a weekend. Two weekends and you are a certified diver!
The cost of this course is $299.00 This includes classroom, pool work, and open water training, and the use of all the scuba equipment and should be fitted to you.
You will need to furnish mask, fins, snorkel, boots, and open water kit (text book included in kit), these are available at extra costs and can be purchased at JT Dive Shop of Jonesboro (870-935-3289).
Our goal is to have a safe and fun diving experience to make you the most comfortable diver to go diving with a buddy. You must preregister by Tuesday, (October 3rd) before this class!
For more info contact us at 870-698-2427 and register for the class @