The Calico Rock Museum & Visitor Center reopened the Tomlinson Art & Science Center this past week after the winter break. Tourists have been coming to town, many from out of state who are on spring break, visiting our museums. The visitors are finding the completely refurbished and reimagined art center filled with works that have never-been-seen-before. If you haven’t seen the galleries, come by for a visit.

The Heritage & Visitor Center is putting together a Fire & Floods of Calico Rock Before 1950 exhibit. The museum needs your help to complete the exhibit. If you have any photos of floods or fires in Calico Rock before 1950, please share with us. We will scan the photos and you will keep your originals.

The museum is hosting our first-ever Trivia & Sliders Night at the Printing Press Café this Friday night. It will be a lot of fun, so come and enjoy the evening.

Last year, we had so much fun with our Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. After many requests, we have scheduled the event again! The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party will be Saturday, April 13 at 13 o’clock at the Printing Press Café. Enjoy the tea party and all the fun. Admission will be $10 if in costume and $15 if out of costume.

The Calico Rock Museum System is hosting a long-term exhibit on Quilting. There are multiple exhibits throughout the exhibition. Visit the Tomlinson Art & Science Center for these amazing events:

The History of Quilting: April 15-27
New Tools of Quilting: April 29-May 11
New Directions of Modern Quilting: May 13-25

Along with these exhibits, we have several quilting demonstrations:

Design a Quilt Block: April 27 from 10:00-2:00
Quilting: May 4 and May 11 from 10:00-2:00
Finding Inspiration: May 18 and May 25 from 10:00-2:00
The museum is also sponsoring several workshops on quilting. Registration for these workshops is required. Please call the museum to register at 870-297-6100:

How to Make a Quilt Sandwich: April 27 from 2:00-3:00

Make a Crazy Face: May 18 and May 25 from 2:00-3:00

If you have any questions, visit us at or call 870-297-6100.