National Herb Day and the annual Heritage Herb Spring Extravaganza!

Saturday, May 3, 2014, the Heritage Herb Garden crew and supporting friends will celebrate National Herb Day with the annual Heritage Herb Spring Extravaganza! Artemisia, Herb of the Year 2014™ is the genus of beneficial plants which will take center stage.

The Committee of 100’s Herb Garden Committee, led by Jennifer Blankenship, will serve herbal refreshments in the Herb Cabin between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. These ladies sponsor the keynote speaker for the Medicinal Herb Field Trip and Workshop which takes place in April and help us to procure garden supplies and special plants as needed. The Committee of 100 dedicated the Heritage Herb Garden to the people of Arkansas on June 7, 1986.

The Herb Society of America’s Ozark Unit is headquartered at the Ozark Folk Center and will hold their monthly meeting, which takes place on the first Saturday of the month, at 10 a.m. in the Skillet Restaurant. This HSA unit plans and executes the Herb Harvest Supper on the first Thursday of October during the Herb Harvest Fall Festival and plans and cares for the Folk Kids’ Mountain Garden for the Heritage Herb Garden. The Unit is famous for making herbal education fun. Folks interested in joining this active group are invited to attend the free meeting.

After the meeting, HAS members will demonstrate the uses of Artemisia herbs in the Folk Kids’ Mountain Garden, inside the Craft Village. In addition to refreshments and demonstrations, garden tours will be conducted at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.; they will begin at the Herb Shoppe. The Herb Arbor offers gardeners selections of artemisia species, scented geraniums, culinary herbs, perennials and pass-a-long plants. Craft Admission Tickets are required for activities occurring inside the Craft Village.

The Seventh Annual Ozark Seed Swap, co-sponsored by CAAH, was postponed to May 3, due to inclement weather this past February. The Ozark Seed Swap is a free event and will take place between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. in the Ozark Folk Center Administration Building. Bring open-pollinated seeds to trade with other gardeners. If you have no seeds to trade, bring envelopes or other garden and seed related items to share. Tickets for the Craft Village will be available at the front desk for folks who wish to enjoy the Herb Spring Extravaganza and National Herb Day activities before or after trading seeds.