The Gallery at 103 North Marr will feature an Art Show each first Thursday of every month except January in conjunction with the Pocahontas Stroll the Square! Thursday Sept. the 5th there will be a huge show that will feature photos taken in Africa and enlarged, big. Africa Through My Camera’s Eye, by R.J. Reynolds. The Show of art is titled Out Of Africa, and will have pastels, and oils purchased while

in Africa, by African Artists that will be on display. African mask, animal skins, baskets, fertility dolls, bead necklaces, scarves, a lot of different items. There will be a slide

show running during the whole Stroll. The Stroll is always, 6:00-8:00

P.M. This month’s event will start at 2:00, until 8:00 Stop by and Stroll The Square in Downtown Pocahontas!